Sunday, October 10, 2010

Wedding fun

I love that moment right before a wedding when I think about how excited the bride must be. I am filled with happiness and excitement for her, but I can't imagine how she must be feeling. I look forward to living that moment myself one day.

Friday night, I watched a co-worker get married. There's something about that beautiful glow, lighting up a bride and groom's face. I just love it. But I'm a sucker for weddings in general.

Happy bride and groom!

You all know I love red heels!

What's your favorite part about weddings?


  1. Oh I LOVE the SHoes!!!!!
    What a great addition to her wedding "attire".....:))))
    Have to admit...weddings kind of make me nervous...always am worried something may go wrong.
    This looks like it went well:)))
    Happy day to you!

  2. I love watching a loud relative have one to many drinks, i love it when they throw the bouquet and all the girls go crazy like she just threw a bag full of diamonds, but most of all i love watching the father & bride dance it always makes me tear up!

    Alice X

  3. I love weddings! And this post is awesome!

    My favorite part of weddings is when we all gather in a limo and take pictures!

